BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// NAME:SpaceX Launches X-WR-CALNAME:SpaceX Launches BEGIN:VEVENT UID:c07ca12e-9782-493e-a156-8b035f60fa6a SEQUENCE:0 DTSTAMP:20240919T165633Z DTSTART:20240920T120000Z DTEND:20240920T130000Z SUMMARY:🚀 🛰 Starlink: Group 9-17 (~21 satellites) • SpaceX TRANSP:TRANSPARENT LOCATION:F9 B5 • Vandenberg\, SLC-4E • LEO DESCRIPTION:Launch of ~21 Starlink v2 mini satellites\, likely including s ome with direct-to-cell connectivity\, to a 535 km (332 mi) orbit at an in clination of 53° to expand internet constellation. ORGANIZER;CN="SpaceX" BEGIN:VALARM ACTION:AUDIO TRIGGER:-PT30M ATTACH;VALUE=URI:Basso END:VALARM END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:da07b236-6969-4fba-a607-e68724ebe281 SEQUENCE:0 DTSTAMP:20240919T165633Z DTSTART:20240926T180500Z DTEND:20240926T190500Z SUMMARY:🚀 👨‍🚀 Crew-9 (Crew Dragon C212.4 Freedom) • NASA (CTS ) TRANSP:TRANSPARENT LOCATION:F9 B5 B1085.2 • Cape Canaveral\, SLC‑40 • LEO (ISS) DESCRIPTION:After first six Crew Dragon launches of NASA USCV award\, a fu rther three missions for SpaceX were announced on 3 December 2021. These l aunches carry up to four astronauts and 100 kg (220 lb) of cargo to the IS S as well as feature a lifeboat function to evacuate astronauts from ISS i n case of an emergency. Only two crew will fly on this mission\, and they will carry suits that will allow the Boeing Starliner astronauts to return when Crew 9 does. First crewed mission to launch from Cape Canaveral Spac e Launch Complex 40. ORGANIZER;CN="SpaceX" BEGIN:VALARM ACTION:AUDIO TRIGGER:-PT30M ATTACH;VALUE=URI:Basso END:VALARM END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:57b3ae1d-fee5-447e-9ff1-02c65084f0a1 SEQUENCE:0 DTSTAMP:20240919T165633Z DTSTART:20241007T145200Z DTEND:20241007T155200Z SUMMARY:🚀 Hera with Juventas and Milani • ESA TRANSP:TRANSPARENT LOCATION:F9 B5 • Cape Canaveral\, SLC‑40 • Heliocentric DESCRIPTION:Hera is a space mission in development at the European Space A gency in its Space Safety program. Its primary objective is to study the D idymos binary asteroid system that was impacted by DART and contribute to validation of the kinetic impact method to deviate a near-Earth asteroid i n a colliding trajectory with Earth. It will measure the size and the morp hology of the crater created by and momentum transferred by an artificial projectile impacting an asteroid\, which will allow measuring the efficien cy of the deflection produced by the impact. It will also carry two nano-s atellite CubeSats\, called Milani and Juventas. ORGANIZER;CN="SpaceX" BEGIN:VALARM ACTION:AUDIO TRIGGER:-PT30M ATTACH;VALUE=URI:Basso END:VALARM END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:789084f5-e62e-4445-8c20-b85a0b6ca33f SEQUENCE:0 DTSTAMP:20240919T165633Z DTSTART:20241010T163100Z DTEND:20241010T173100Z SUMMARY:🚀 Europa Clipper • NASA TRANSP:TRANSPARENT LOCATION:Falcon Heavy B5 B1090 (core)\, B1064.6 (side)\, B1065.6 (side) • Kennedy\, LC‑39A • Heliocentric DESCRIPTION:Europa Clipper will conduct a detailed survey of Europa and us e a sophisticated suite of science instruments to investigate whether the icy moon has conditions suitable for life. Key mission objectives are to p roduce high-resolution images of Europa's surface\, determine its composit ion\, look for signs of recent or ongoing geological activity\, measure th e thickness of the moon's icy shell\, search for subsurface lakes\, and de termine the depth and salinity of Europa's ocean. The mission will fly pas t Mars and Earth before arriving at Jupiter in April 2030. The side booste rs and the center core will all be expended. ORGANIZER;CN="SpaceX" BEGIN:VALARM ACTION:AUDIO TRIGGER:-PT30M ATTACH;VALUE=URI:Basso END:VALARM END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:c1fe987a-1cbb-4eed-a34a-4577269a458f SEQUENCE:0 DTSTAMP:20240919T165633Z DTSTART:20241016T100000Z DTEND:20241016T110000Z SUMMARY:🚀 📦 SpaceX CRS-31 (Cargo Dragon C208.5) • NASA (CRS) TRANSP:TRANSPARENT LOCATION:F9 B5 • Cape Canaveral\, SLC‑40 • LEO (ISS) DESCRIPTION:Six additional CRS-2 missions for Dragon 2 were announced in M arch 2022\, resupplying the ISS until 2026. ORGANIZER;CN="SpaceX" BEGIN:VALARM ACTION:AUDIO TRIGGER:-PT30M ATTACH;VALUE=URI:Basso END:VALARM END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR